1. Who will be coming out to my home?
One or two workers that always include at least one Sunset Carpet & Tile Cleaning owner-operator.

2. How much prep do I need before the workers are here?
If you have pets, please prepare them for us to come. Please store any valuable heirlooms in a safe place, remove small toy and easily breakable items off the floor.

3. Do I need to remove furniture?
We will move tables, chairs, couches, etc. if requested. We usually clean around beds, armoires, etc.

4. How much time will cleaning take?
It depends on the size of a job, but typically anywhere from 1-3 hours.

5. How much time will drying take?
About 4-6 hours on an average. It will feel a little cool to your feet for another 12 hours.

6. How often do I need to have my carpet and tile cleaned?
It is recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that a household of 4 be cleaned every 6-12 months for health reasons. The frequency goes up with infants, pregnancy, elderly, and asthma/allergy sufferers.

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